
柳叶刀是sci期刊吗?从事医学专业的作者应该比较了解,《柳叶刀》英文名字是The Lancet,属于国际顶级医学期刊。TheLancet是目前世界医学界最权威的学术刊物之一,也是影响因子最高的SCI刊物之一。

  医学工作者能在The Lancet上发表一篇论文,那医学科研能力将大大提高,sci属于国际上影响力比较高的期刊,能发表一篇sci论文是很容易的。The Lancet作为医学界最顶级的期刊,更是很多医学工作者比较向往的期刊。接下来,详细的介绍一下柳叶刀(The Lancet)期刊内容:

《柳叶刀》(The Lancet)创刊于1823年,创始人托马斯·威克利(Thomas Wakley)。是由爱思唯尔(Elsevier)出版公司主办,《柳叶刀》编辑部编辑出版的医学学术刊物。 是国际上公认的综合性医学四大期刊之一。

The Lancet is an international general medical journal that will consider any original contribution that advances or illuminates medical science or practice, or that educates or entertains the journal’s readers. Whatever you have written, remember that it is the general reader whom you are trying to reach. One way to find out if you have succeeded is to show your draft to colleagues in other specialties. If they do not understand, neither, very probably, will The Lancet’s staff or readers. Manuscripts must be solely the work of the author(s) stated, must not have been previously published elsewhere, and must not be under consideration by another journal.


